Questions You May Have
It’s designed to bring you to a clear, confident conclusion on ‘what next’.
Using scientifically-backed assessments and proven exercises, the programme draws out your unique personal data so we can analyse and determine your ideal career and life criteria, build your exclusive blueprint and use it to help you reach a distinct answer that you can trust.
You also get to road test the process, so you can experience how it works for you before you commit to the full programme.
Fear not, I am there to guide you through it. I help you understand, interpret and apply your unique data, so you make choices that play to your natural abilities, interests and drive, and lead to personal fulfilment and happiness.
Yes. As long as you give show up and give the assessments and exercises your full attention, you’ll finish with a firm conclusion and next steps so that you can take action.
If you’re driven to seek a fulfilling change in your career and life, then Yes!
This programme is all about you. I help you understand and celebrate who you really are, what motivates you and what you’re talented at, and use this information to direct your ideas and choices. It’s an enlightening, fun-filled, engaging and confidence-boosting ride.
It’s the commitment of one single 1-hour session.
You’ll get comprehensive notes and follow up actions from me afterwards, and a 15-minute follow up call a week later to discuss any reflections or questions you have about the output from your session, before you decide if you want to continue.
We will dive into the results of an assessment I’ve guided you to take, or I’ll facilitate you through a structured exercise. With each, I’ll ask you questions, challenge your thinking, give a perspective on your data and help you draw out insights to nail down related career and lifestyle criteria that’s personal to you. It’s an interactive and enjoyable process that leaves you with a heightened understanding of yourself and your requirements, some of which you’re likely to be surprised by!
The initial commitment of one single coaching session covers 2 hours of my time. This includes a 1-hour coaching session, comprehensive session notes and follow up actions from me afterwards, and a 15-minute follow up call.
The full programme secures 10 hours of my time. This includes six 1-hour coaching sessions, detailed written notes and your unique ideal career and life criteria blueprint.
Though six coaching sessions we undertake a holistic 360-degree analysis of your values, strengths, skills, passions and personality.
We develop a unique and personal picture of your ideal career and life criteria, based on what motivates and interests you, and what you’re naturally good at.
We then use this information to brainstorm right-fit ideas, direct your research and ultimately help you make a clear, confident, informed decision about ‘what next’ that feels exciting, energising and right for you.
Specifically, we cover:
Stage 1: Building your ideal career and life criteria
- Identify your personal values
- Discover your natural strengths
- Determine your personality profile
- Map your transferable skills
- Recognise your passions
Stage 2: Determining the right path
- Examine and interpret the recurring themes
- Brainstorm correlating career and lifestyle ideas
- Research right-fit roles
- Make the right decision and determine next steps