My CAREER PATHFINDER programme is designed to help you identify, prepare for and target the right career opportunities.
Though a mix of 1:1 coaching and practical guidance, I help you assess your strengths, skills, experience and job role criteria; effectively market yourself to recruiters and employers; and job hunt with focus and confidence.
Structured to deliver specific outcomes that support you back into work, the programme involves four hours of personal support from me, which can be used in 15 minutes increments, however and whenever you need it.
Programme Overview
Following an initial assessment of your situation and target roles, your coaching programme will be tailored to your specific needs to help you successfully secure a new role.
Programme elements typically include:
In a nutshell
You get 4 hours of personal support from me, split between coaching sessions, supporting notes and templates, CV and LinkedIn profile feedback and any other practical help you might need.
We will agree the mix based on your unique needs, to help you identify, prepare for and target the right roles.
Programme fee is £450.
Payment plans are also available in 3, 6 or 12 month installments if you’d like to spread the cost.
Case study examples
Helped her entirely re-work and re-design her CV to secure a new corporate communications position
Helped him re-focus his job search and adapt his CV to secure a right-fit marketing role in the entertainment industry
Helped her tailor her skills and experience and update her CV to target accounting roles in a new sector
Why should you consider signing up for my CAREER PATHFINDER programme?
1. Because it’s tailored to your specific requirements.
I customise the programme components, and the tools and templates we use to your specific needs. Whichever type of support helps you build the fastest and most effective momentum back into work is where we focus our time and energy. I’ll help you identify the right route, conquer any challenges and maximise your opportunities, setting you up to secure your next role.
2. Because it’s exciting and inspiring.
This is all about you. You get four hours of my time dedicated to understanding and helping you capitalise on your talents and remove roadblocks to secure the right opportunities and help you back into gainful employment. Not only does it help you build positive momentum during what is often a time of high anxiety, but it’s also an engaging and confidence-boosting ride.
3. Because it works.
This process is tried and tested. I have helped countless people articulate and market their skills and experience to successfully secure their next opportunity.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you determine what type of support I need?
Before we get started, we’ll do a 30-minute background call, plus I’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out, so that I’ve got a picture of where you are and where you’d like to get to. I’ll also get you to send me your most recent CV (it doesn’t matter if it isn’t up to date). I’ll then design a programme with key components that match your needs and support you back into work, which we’ll discuss and agree before our first coaching session.
How do you make CVs stand out from the crowd?
I show you how to write and design your CV to ensure it delivers what an HR or recruiting manager is looking for, and showcases the core criteria they select against in a clear and eye-catching way. I also get you to include specific data-points that most CVs don’t have, positioning your most impressive skills and experience in a way that outclasses other résumés.
How do you enhance LinkedIn profiles?
I show you the major differences between CV and LinkedIn content (because they shouldn’t simply convey the same information!), and walk you through how to tell the most compelling story about you and your experience, to attract employers and recruiters. I give you specific guidance on how to write a stand-out LinkedIn summary, how to set up the rest of your profile for maximum exposure, and which information to include for best results.
What interview support do you provide?
I develop interview questions based on the type of role and organisation you are interviewing with, and help you hone and practice your answers, to build confidence and an engaging delivery. I also give you practical tools and tips that put you in control of your interviews and help you turn them into two-way conversations that feel comfortable and have maximum impact.
Can you help me re-position my skills and experience to support a change in career or role?
Yes. I spent 20 years in PR and communications, which means I genuinely know how to create and communicate information in a coherent and compelling way. Writing and designing persuasive content is second nature to me, so I’m adept at translating skills and experience to match target careers and roles, even if they seem diametrically opposed.
Ready to fast-track your way back into work?