Your own business


Your own business.

If you want to work for yourself and build a self-employed business that affords you the freedom to make your own decisions, do work you love, and live your life your way, this is designed for you.

My BUILD programme provides a structured framework and hands-on support to help you build the solid foundations for a successful solopreneur business and get it off the ground.

Whether you want to be a coach, a consultant, a writer, an author, or any other kind of sole proprietor, I provide clear-cut support to help you map out a confident plan, take action, remove barriers and effectively market yourself, your product or your services.

Through a mix of 1:1 coaching, practical tools and templates, and hands-on writing support, I show you how to plan and activate your self-employment idea and build sustained momentum to realise your goal.

Programme Overview

Following an assessment of your situation and goal, your coaching programme is tailored to your specific needs to help you successfully develop and establish your own business or creative work and get it moving.

Programme elements often include:


Research and determine your offer


For writers

Mental agility to support business building


In a nutshell

You get 8 hours of personal support from me, split between coaching sessions, detailed written notes and tailored templates, and hands-on writing support.

We will agree the mix based on your needs, to help you plan and activate your unique solopreneur business.  


Programme fee is £1,000.

Payment plans are also available in 3, 6 or 12 month installments if you’d like to spread the cost.

Ready to build your own business?

Case study examples

Elijah Lawal

Determined his dream path as a writer, took action, and had his inaugural book published by Hodder & Stoughton

Barbara Hueppe

Got clear on her value proposition and target audience, set up her own successful communications consultancy, 2BComms, and beat her revenue goals in year one

Claire Frances

Overcame the barriers to writing to finish her first novel and is now seeking agent representation

Why should you consider signing up for my BUILD programme?

1.  Because it’s tailored to your specific requirements.

I tailor the programme components, and the tools and templates we use to your specific needs. Whichever type of support helps you build the fastest and most effective momentum is where we focus our time and energy and my hands-on input. I’ll help you scope the right plan to build your business or creative work, and we’ll implement programme details that support it, setting you up for accelerated progress and success.  

2.  Because it’s exciting and inspiring.

This is all about helping you build the business or creative work you dream of so that you have the freedom to do meaningful, fulfilling, enjoyable work on your own terms. I actively show you how to turn your idea into a reality. We bust myths, remove roadblocks, create a plan, activate it and get you moving. Not only is it exciting, but it’s also a fun-filled, engaging and confidence-boosting ride.

3.  Because it works.

This process is tried and tested. It utilises the blueprint I’ve proved and used to help many solopreneurs get their businesses or creative work off the ground.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’m not sure what type of business I want to build?

My DISCOVER programme is designed for you. Check out the details here.

How do you determine what type of support I need?

Before we get started, we’ll do a 30-minute background call, plus I’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out, which scopes out what stage you are at, where you want to get to and what’s currently missing. I’ll then design a programme with key components that match your needs, which we’ll discuss and agree before our first coaching session.

How advanced does my business or creative work idea have to be before it’s worth engaging you to help me?

It can literally be an idea. As long as you are passionate about it and committed to doing the work required to move it forward, you’re ready. I always design programmes to suit the stage you’re at and will focus on the components that will help you build the greatest momentum.

What kind of writing support do you provide?

I write value propositions, scope out specific offers, draft website copy, write pitches to agents, and draft emails that engage contacts in peoples’ networks. I had a 20-year career in PR and communications, which means I genuinely know how to create and communicate information in a coherent and compelling way. Writing and designing persuasive content is second nature to me and I love doing it.

I’m not sure I can afford to start from scratch?

I ensure all my clients build their business in a timeframe that suits their personal circumstances, so you never have to risk financial security. That might mean maintaining your current role while you work on your own business in the background to build it up. You might move from full-time to part-time as you build up your business and revenue streams. I help you determine the right transition plan, so you can build momentum towards your business or creative work goal at a pace that suits your needs.

Ready to make working for yourself a reality?