Beat Your Four Fears®. Bravely Step Towards Self-Employed Happiness

EP011 with Alison O'Leary & Mark Franklin

Avoid the “compensation” trap

Are you a small business owner currently talking yourself out of the success you are entitled to? Or are you someone who is dreaming of going out on your own, but you fear you can’t do it or it’s not in you? If so, this episode is for you!

I’m joined by the awesome Mark Franklin, a consultant, trainer and speaker, with two decades experience supporting solo and small business owners to overcome their Four Fears®, Mark’s proprietary framework for tackling what holds us back the most from having the business of our dreams.

Mark’s mission is to help you see and believe that you ARE good enough, you are ready, you do have time, and that failure can sometimes be the greatest gift you give to your story.

In our conversation we talk about the work Mark does, how and why he took the plunge himself and moved from a corporate career in publishing into self-employment, his biggest learnings in doing so, and the surprise plot twist that was part of his journey.   

In this episode we discuss:

  • Mark’s background and how he came to do the work he does today
  • Why Mark took the plunge from employment to self-employment (what pushed him over the edge to make the brave move to resign)
  • The concept behind Mark’s Four Fears® one-to-one work and programmes
  • The importance of getting to your own personal why – what’s the story that you are writing for yourself and others?
  • How we both “compensated” for the energy-draining work we were doing when employed, using healthy salaries, expensive holidays, meals out (and a designer wardrobe in my case!) to compensate for the long hours and unfulfilling work – except that it didn’t make us happy
  • Mark’s self-employment plot twist, and the common trap to avoid

Join us is you’re looking for some new ideas and a tonne of bravery and belief that your happy path to self-employment success is possible!

A bit more about Mark Franklin

EP011 Guest Mark Franklin

Mark Franklin is a trainer, consultant and speaker with over 20 years’ experience supporting small independent business owners to overcome their Four Fears® – the most common barriers preventing them from having the business of their dreams.

He invests deeply in his clients’ stories, providing uplifting, relevant and engaging support to unlock the bravery and belief they need to pursue their happy path to success.

He too decided to take the plunge from a corporate career in publishing into becoming self-employed so he is incredibly empathetic to the bravery needed to go it alone.

His Four Fears® Programmes are designed to move business owners from inertia to victory and find joy in that journey.

If you would like to know more about Mark or would like to connect with him, please do go to his website at or connect with him on LinkedIn and join him on Instagram.

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Find out what’s possible, by seeing what other people are doing to determine and go after their ideal careers and lives.

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Curious about changing your career?

Book a call with me to chat about how I work with people just like you every day. Life shouldn’t be hard at work.

Finding what lights you up, brings you joy and gets you paid at the same time – well, that’s a eureka moment. Right?

Find out about my Career Transition Programme and book a call with me.

Questioning your options to change careers?

You may like to wander over and check out my Work Wonderland™ Course. You can use this as a temperature check to make sure that what you are thinking of, in terms of changing your work or job, makes sense.

The course and web application are a low investment to help you to confirm what you are thinking, or give you some routes that you hadn’t considered possible. Read all about it here.

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