If you’re here your children are facing choices of direction beyond school or college, and you want to help them consider and make confident, informed decisions about their future.
At an age where options and opportunities can feel daunting, confusing and overwhelming, young people often struggle to make sense of what’s available to them, what they are best suited to, and how to make decisions about long-term future goals.
In applying themselves to the task of future planning, many stall, or shut down completely when faced with seemingly insurmountable roadblocks. Common ones include:
These obstacles create fear and doubt, leave young people feeling stuck, and often inspire procrastination and apathy.
My online and coaching programmes are designed to help students answer these big questions conclusively, and confidently choose the right study and career path.
Using a structured, accessible and proven methodology that places their unique strengths, skills and interests at the heart of their decision-making and planning, students are given the specific tools needed to determine the right path, trust in their choice, and take active steps in that direction.
I run three programmes that help students gain clarity, confidence and control over their future.