

Free guide

Case study examples


Learnt how to confidently argue her worth with her employer to secure a £20k pay rise, a sizable bonus and a large reduction in sales quota


Defeated his lifelong fear of networking to secure a promotion, and then a new job at a global social media firm


Overcame issues with self-confidence to identify, target and secure a leadership position with a leading law firm


Learnt how to maximise his natural strengths and stop underselling himself to secure a new job with a £20k pay rise and 35 days holiday


Built confidence in her skills and abilities to secure a £15k pay rise, a £6k car allowance, and a bonus increase from 10 to 15%

Ready to work together? My programmes include:


To Stay or Go

You need to make the right decision: stay with your current employer and role, or move to another


Your Potential

You want to conquer challenges, secure opportunities and propel your progress

Powerful motivation. In your inbox. Weekly.

Start your journey. Book a free call today.